Broschüren für schottische Fans

(LD) The Tartan Army, die schottischen Fußballfans, sind momentan in Köln die Sieger der Herzen.

Auch wenn ihre Mannschaft im Müngersdorfer Stadion bisher keinen Sieg im Turnier der Fußball EM erringen konnte. Überall in der Stadt hat man die schottischen Besucher in den letzten Tagen angetroffen, im traditionellen Kilt, gut gelaunt und friedlich feiernd. 

Die Klasse 7b hat im Englischunterricht Broschüren für die schottischen Schlachtenbummler erstellt, die ihnen Informationen geben zu allem, was man über Köln wissen sollte. Dazu haben die Schüler*innen Bilder aus dem Kölner Stadtanzeiger genutzt.

Cologne Brochure for Scottish Visitors

Dear Scottish football fans,

Welcome to Cologne, the city of Cologne Cathedral.

In this brochure you are going to get all the information you need about Cologne.

When you get hungry, you'll always find something tasty. In Cologne we have yummy food, such as “Currywurst”, which is a sausage with a curry sauce. You can have it everywhere in the city.


And of course you'll get a beer, which is called “Kölsch”, and it is served in small glasses. We have a lot of old traditional breweries where you can drink it.


One of the famous sights is Cologne Cathedral, which is nearly 800 years old. You can climb the stairs to the top because you will have a great view of the city. Another sight is the “Hohenzollernbrücke”, which you know as a bridge for lovers.

fc georg

Our local football club is “1. FC Köln”, and the stadium is located in the west of Cologne, in Müngersdorf. The club's hymn is called “Mer stonn zo dir”. The tune is taken from a traditional Scottish song called “Loch Lomond”. We in Cologne support our football club, and our fans are incredible. In front of the stadium there is a big grass court.

I hope you'll have fun in Cologne and enjoy the European Cup.

Florian Krawutschke, 7c

Cologne Brochure for Scottish Visitors

Dear Scottish football fans, welcome to Cologne.

The brochure is about Cologne and its most famous places, food and beer. And it is all about what you need to know about Cologne.


In Cologne we have many sights, but the most famous sight is Cologne Cathedral. It is 157 metres high, and per day there are about 20,000 visitors. The “Hohenzolelrnbrücke” is a love bridge with many locks. Couples fix their lock of love to the bridge and throw its key into the water of the river Rhine for eternal love.

The “Currywurst Pommes” is very famous German food. It is a sausage with a curry sauce.

In Cologne we have a beer that we drink in very small glasses because it is a very soft beer. It is called “Kölsch”.

fc georg
In Cologne we have a great football club, “1.FC Köln”. Our hymn originally is a Scottish song called “Loch Lomond”.

Janne Tilkin, 7c

Cologne Brochure for Scottish Visitors

Hello Scots,

Welcome in Cologne!

Here are some things you have to do in our city.

The beer in Cologne is great, but you Scots have to get used to it. It's much softer than your Scottish beer. It is served in small glasses, not in big ones as in Scotland. But almost everybody likes it.

If you miss home, you can go to the zoo in Lindenthal where you can see Scottish Highland cattle. Lindenthal is a part of Cologne just outside the city centre.

fc georg
One of the three professional football clubs in Cologne is the 1. FC Köln, and it currently plays in the second professional football league of Germany. You might know the hymn of the club because it is based on a Scottish song which is called “Loch Lomond”.

I hope you will enjoy the time in Cologne!

Konrad Pätzold, a Cologne boy (Kölsche Jung)

Foto Startseite: (c) IMAGO/PA Images
Foto Kölsch: (c) Andreas Beutel